My Talks
gives you a selection of my public teaching -
Past Topics 7

The Elephant In The Living Room
- In a cluttered world which almost intelligently deprives us of space, Advent poses the one question we must stop to answer. The season of Advent has been ruthlessly flattened by the steamroller of commercialisation.

The Fist Sized Cloud
- A Christian view of climate change is to weigh up perceived threats but not to be paralysed by them. Prayer and activism should be the cutting edges of our concern.

The Nativity
- Believers in conspiracy theory and chaos theory both have a case to press in the birth of Jesus. July 20, 1969 NASA landed men on the moon. Or did they? If conspiracy theorists are to be believed,

>The Prophetic Role
- The boomerang of prophecy aimed at society may knock out the idol we have in our sights, but it doesn’t complete its flight path until it hits the thrower as well.
What exactly is a prophet?

The Baptised Community
- What does it mean to be part of the baptised community? The first and dramatic truth is that you are a dead person. Many people have multiple identities in the modern world.

The Accession
- How can we tell if God is at work in the big events of human history? Christians who recite one of the historic creeds confess to the belief that God isactive in human history: in creation; the calling of Abraham and Moses;

Amazing Grace
- Wilberforce’s legacy is in danger of being swamped as Christians grow complacent about the state of the world and the condition of the human heart.
‘One voice changed the lives of millions’ according to the tagline of ....

>Lowering Our Defences
- IThe firewalls we create to protect one part of our life from another must be extinguished when it comes to expressing faith. Some time ago I was talking to a young man who had just come to faith.

The Taming Of Lake Galilee
- In handling some of life’s crises, the words we are looking for from God aren’t shouted through a megaphone above the noise of the crashing waves but whispered before the storm erupts, almost as an aside.

Peter And Paul, Apostles
- Early Christianity had to adapt in order to grow in difficult terrain. The challenges the apostles faced should strike a chord with us. Saint Peter and Saint Paul are two of the biggest hitters in the history of the Church.