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The Lost Art Of Listening

The Lost Art Of Listening
The skill we need the most is the one we are rapidly

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The News Where We Are

The News Where We Are

Rolf Dobelli is on a mission: to stop people watching

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Dictator Chic

Dictator Chic

Authoritarian leadership may be fashionable today,

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Silicon Valley Blues

Silicon Valley Blues

In giving more time and attention to bad things online,

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Controlling China

Controlling China

Of all the subjects to weigh in on, free speech in US

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Black Dog

Black Dog

What can the Church can do to help transform the mental health of a current generation of children and

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Common Humanity Politics

Common Humanity Politics

Of all the subjects to weigh in on, free speech in US universities provokes perhaps the most fervid

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The Wall

The Wall

Most generations are defined by an event or a year. For one cohort it is 1989 and the collapse of the

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Oslo's Outlier

Oslo's Outlier

Is there a case for dramatizing real-life terrorism? It was an old mantra of the UK government not to give

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Why God Doesn't Look Like Elon Musk - Or Adam Smallbone

Why God Doesn't Look Like Elon Musk - Or Adam Smallbone

Of all the subjects to weigh in on, free speech in US

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Beating Ploughshares Into Swords

Beating Ploughshares Into Swords

The work of diplomats is unglamorous and involves


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The Black Wave

The Black Wave

What happens in a community when it is overwhelmed by natural disaster and the cameras have moved on?

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The Truth Is Out There

The Truth Is Out There

The first Gulf War in 1991 did not take place. This was the judgment of the philosopher Jean Baudrillardr

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What The Church Can Do For The Cause Of Social Mobility

What The Church Can Do For The Cause Of Social Mobility

There should be no postcode lottery when it comes

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The Second American Civil War

The Second American Civil War

Stories can bend round our resistant consciences like a free kick round a wall. ‘American War’ is one such.

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From Norway To Nowhere

From Norway To Nowhere

The building and demolishing of a fragile peace accord reveals a sad truth: violence is so much easier

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The Bystander

The Bystander

There are some encounters in life you know you will never forget even as you are having them.

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And The Point Is/

And The Point Is?

We prefer to live without space between our experiences, giving an endless sense of flow which

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Kiwi Apocalypse

Kiwi Apocalypse

Speculation about the future can be an excuse not to think about the present,

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What Does It Mean To Be A Patriotic Christian?

What Does It Mean To Be A Patriotic Christian?

A defining political challenge to the global Church
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Life And Death On Lampedusa

Life And Death On Lampedusa

The wordless documentary, Fire at Sea, will never be bettered in its genre .TMI.  It’s the abbreviation of our

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The Repetition Of Palatable Lies

The Repetition Of Palatable Lies

As the word of God slips from shared memory, shriller voices hold sway. Truth is becoming a commodity,

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Drowning Girl

Drowning Girl

Why do some people scare us in what they are prepared to do for others?

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Why Face To Face Is Always Best

Why Face To Face Is Always Best

The benefits of looking someone in the eye and making a connection are out of this world

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 London's Soul

London's Soul

The strength of a city is not measured in its economic output but in the quality of its relationships

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The Things We Should Never Have Said

The Things We Should Never Have Said

As we age in Christ, some have to battle for their ...

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Barnabas People

Barnabas People

No follower of Jesus is perfect, but some set a compelling high standard. What distinguishes those who are most alive with the faith?

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On Standing In The Desert

On Standing In The Desert

Any church wishing to make a distinctive contribution to its locality should identify where the wilderness is and join the people they find there

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China's Syndrome

China's Syndrome

Nations are defined not only by what they remember, but by what they forget. What does this tell us about modern China?

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Shame On You

Shame On You

The symbolism of the scapegoat bearing the burden of a community’s failings has been supplanted in the

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The Hairdryer Treatment

The Hairdryer Treatment

How do we best motivate the people around us?
‘It’s not binary, you can be a decent person and

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After The Snow

After The Snow

Does our response to a sudden moment of crisis define us or not? The acclaimed Swedish film Force

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Something Cosy In The State Of Denmark

Something Cosy In The State Of Denmark

True community may be more edgy and uncomfortable than we imagine

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The New Salvation By Works

The New Salvation By Works

While there is much to admire in a generation that wants to get things done,there are some things we need to unlearn if we are to have a healthy sense of

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